Tale of Two Sisters & A New Brother


    Name: - Caileigh Cecelia
    Birthdate: - Thursday, October 13 2005
    Age: - 18 years, 9 months, 14 days
  • Weight: 65 pounds!
  • Height: 55 inches!


Caileigh Cecelia


    Name: - Eamon Michael
    Birthdate: - Tuesday, June 28 2011
    Age: - 13 years, 29 days
  • Height: 24 inches (?)
  • Weight: 23 lbs (when wet!)

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    Name: - Keira Marie
    Birthdate: - Monday, January 5 2009
    Age: - 15 years, 6 months, 22 days
  • Weight: 30 lbs
  • Height: 32 inches


Keira Marie

News Journal

First Day of Second Grade (Thursday, August 22 2013)

Wow I can't believe how fast the summer has flown and even more how fast the years have flown by. Caileigh starts 2nd grade today! A really exciting year with her first confession and communion! She will ...more

Happy Father's Day! (Sunday, June 17 2012)

Happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there especially my dad who I still miss so much after 20 years! I'm so thankful for John who is a wonderful father! We started the day in typical fashion - Eamon ...more

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First Day of Second Grade!

First Day of Second Grade! August 22, 2013 Mrs Bossong's class