The end of September already and I barely posted a thing! Sorry! I don't even think I have many pictures to post except for the 100 that Caileigh took with my camera this weekend. Between she and Madison they were the amateur photographers in the group. But actually, the pictures are pretty good!
So backing up - Caileigh and I went to OSU this weekend to see some of my old friends. We met up with Fran, Madison & Megan, Kim Jess & baby Gryphon, Melanie, Doreena, Chris Stafford & her 4 adorable kids and Terri VanDeCarr! So nice to see everyone again! It took about 10 minutes before the girls to get reacquainted before they were asking if they could have a sleepover in the hotel! So neat to see them have such a great time together and even better to spend time with my girlfriends. So the field hockey team lost but the game was fun to watch. I think I could still play! Ha ha!!
John had some quality time with Keira and then played golf so Grammy had quality time with Keira! She was excited to see Caileigh again on Sunday and kept calling out "caaa lleeeee"! That and "Adios Amigos" - her new fun word to say!
I promise to go back and fill in some of the month & upload some pics and video soon!