- Tue, Nov 16, 2010 /
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As I watched Keira kiss her dog and stuffed bear good night tonite I thought it had been some time since I updated all her new advancements and boy she is really coming along!
-- She is saying full sentences now, not just words here and there. Mostly she likes to say "MOOOOM.... mink bug!"
--- her favorite song seems to be "Happy Birthday", maybe because we have so many in the family lately. Before church this morning I was teaching her the Alleluia & Holy Holy and as soon as we started singing the entrance hymn I looked over and she was singing "Happy Birthday to you".... She did pick up on the Alleluia a bit later!
---- she loves playing with Caileigh! The two were making food yesterday morning and Keira just followed right along and brought things for me to eat
"here you go" as she brought the plate and fake ice cream sandwich and then "welcome!" Anything Caileigh is doing she wants to do
----- loves the dress up shoes and can walk in them really well! Also loves to grab everything and pretend its a phone. Calculator, phone, anything she can grab and say "hello hello"
---- on the same note, now grabs my phone and say "game? game?"
----- walks down the stairs holding someone's hand although she would rather be carried.
---- is very very picky about what she will wear. If Caileigh's wearing it then she'll wear it otherwise she likes pink or purple and occasionally all black!
---- likes to sing at the table - just random nonsensical words and then looks up and laughs at herself.
---- still loves her binky and blankies but will put them in her crib in the morning since she only gets them at naps (sometimes!)
---- runs and was jumping in the leaves by herself yesterday but then when I wanted her to jump with Caileigh she refused = no idea!
---- is sitting on the potty but after a few seconds she says "done" and gets off.
---- likes to go "swimming" in the bathtub, laying on her stomach kicking away.
---- still a good sleeper although rises pretty early but loves to come into our bed and cuddle in the morning!
We are loving our independent cuddly curly blonde haired little sweetie and can't wait to see what the next few months bring!